Travel to Space
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DANCE 2.3 ON-LINE HELP 3-11-91
1. Control Bar Options
2. Using Find to Locate Things
3. The Main Menus
4. The Utility Menus
5. The Access Menu
6. Configuration Guide
7. Viewing the Earth Up Close
8. Pointers for Accurate Orbital Simulations
9. Printing the graphics screen
10. Constellation Abbreviations- press [End]
Use Page Up/Down, Home and End to move through the Help file. Hold up/dn
cursor keys down to move by lines. Press ESC key to return to Dance.
Date -Enter date to begin simulation. Year period from -999 to 9999.
Renew -Erase/refresh the screen.
Skylns -Toggle on/off all screen lines (orbits, constellations, grids);
continuously variable using mouse or shift (VGA only).
Pace -Vary simulation speed/step size. Too fast may compromise accuracy.
`true' is the slowest setting, is the true pace of time.
Zoom -View magnification from space or Earth. Object-dependent from Earth.
(Ins) -Use Insert key to toggle 1°/ 5° change increments. Highlighted for 1°.
View -View point coordinates, direction towards which you are viewing.
Ecliptic latitude, longitude from space; declin and rt asc in sky.
(Loc) -ScrollLock locks screen to View/Zoom changes. Highlighted when locked.
Access -Access to simulation data/control and database files.
Find -Puts specified objects/horizon on screen. See FIND below for details.
Invert -Allows inversion of planets for telescope view. Arrow points north.
Label -Temporarily labels objects of all kinds for identification.
Star, constellation, and DSO labels are orbit color, so use skylns.
Menu -Main menu for more operating options. Context sensitive to the
current simulation mode. Provides utility menu with More options.
Bar -Toggles control bar on/off; varies continuously just as Skylns (VGA).
ESC -Escape key generally allows backing out of current activity.
Find (object) puts the specified object at the find center. Include `fix' to
lock on planet, sun, moon. THREE LETTERS are sufficient for most things.
Find (FIX) (PLANET, SUN, MOON)- include fix to lock screen on body.
Find (CONSTELLATION)- use 3-letter abrev. which are listed at end of HELP.
Find (ASTERIOD or COMET)- use current label (i.e. Halley or 1986II).
Find (STAR NAME)- finds any of the 50 stars whose names appear on the screen.
Find (DSO)- use the 3-character labels used in the DSO files. DSOs must be on.
Find (CD) HORIZON- cardinal directions are: north,ne,east,se,south,sw,west,nw.
examples: Find east hor- see what's rising; Find sw hor- see Venus setting.
Find ZENITH- points the screen straight up for the current site and instant.
(Note: horizons and zenith are `of the instant', so simulation is paused.)
3. MAIN MENU OPTIONS (sm=space mode, pm=planet mode, em=earth sky mode)
Target&Lock -Provides box cursor to target and lock-on planets, sun, moon.
(Find and Planets menu are generally preferred for this.)
Tracking Off -Disengage from object tracking. (from pm)
Constel Draw -Toggle for drawing constellations.
Celest Grid -Draws celestial grid centered on Earth (sm) or in Earth's sky.
The ecliptic (path the Sun follows) is also shown (from em).
Planet Grid -Draws celestial (orientation) grid for tracked planet. (pm)
Earth's Sky -Change to ground based viewpoint. Observer's latitude and
longitude is as specified in Access Configure. (from sm)
Space View -Return to space from Earth. (from em)
Asteroid Plot-Plot the asteroids (not with sampler)
Planets -Select/track on any planet. Close-up of Earth available from
special vantage point (see 7. Viewing Earth Up Close-below)
DS Objects -Select classes of deep space objects for viewing.
(only Messier in sampler)
More Options -Mode-sensitive utility menu with additional options.
Help -To access this operation guide.
eXit Dance -Exit the program, save the current simulation in Resume.
Resume -Resume simulations by entering file name. The default file
`Resume' is automatically saved using eXit Dance.
Save Status -Saves current simulation. (not in sampler)
Time Tics -Places interval marks on the traces of orbiting objects.
Enter interval in days. Enter date with which to begin.
Turn off by entering 0. Orbit color, so use Skylns.
Draw Orbits -Toggle on/off orbit drawing for asteroids/comets. The path is
still traced. Planet orbits are unaffected.
Move Center -Move primary object (sun, or planet in pm) on the screen.
Select, move cursor, and click. Pressing `C' when active will
place at center of screen.
Move Find Pos-Like Move center, but for convenient Find location in sky.
Print Labels -Type temporary screen labels, notes for printing with screen.
Select, type label, click, move T to desired location, click.
Esc when done. Erase mistakes by moving T to left with BkSp.
Site Coords -Specify the viewing location on Earth. Enter in indicated format,
include comma. West longitudes and south latitudes are negative.
3-D Orbits -Toggle for red/blue stereo orbit images. Use specs.
Apparent Dist-Use with 3-D to change apparent distance for good effect.
Cloud Cover -Toggle Earth's clouds on/off when observing up close.
Return -Use to return to the simulator. Esc will also do it.
Satellites -Appears when tracking a planet. Displays satellite information to
compare, deactivate satellites, select and goto another system.
Object Status-Access to asteroid/comet information and selection screen.
Resume Files -List resume files to select, edit, add descriptive header, etc.
Comet Files -List comet files for selection (not in sampler)
Asteroid Files-List asteroid files for selection (not in sampler)
Deep Sky Objs-DSO files by object type (not in sampler)
Planet On/Off-Deactivate irrelevant planets to speed up simulations. Toggle
with Enter. Use ESC to return to this menu.
Julian Calc -Use to convert dates between the Julian day and calendar date,
either direction. Julian day must be greater than 10000.
Configure -put configuration option in file box for inspection/modification.
(not present in sampler)
Close views of the rotating Earth can be seen from the `Apollo' vantage
point; 250,000 km (about 150,000 miles) from Earth. To go there:
1) if viewing the solar system from space, select `3 Earth' from the Planets
menu, and then `Earth View' from the main menu.
2) if viewing from Earth (sky view), select `3 Earth' from the Planets menu.
You can zoom to 2X on the Earth. You can get a cloudless view by toggling
Cloud Cover off (More Options menu). You can return to where you came from
(far space or sky view) by pressing ESC. You can select the alternate
vantage point (Earth's sky or Space view) from the main menu.
8,9 (not present in sampler)
And Andromeda Cir Circinus Lac Lacerta PsA Piscis Austrinus
Ant Antlia Col Columba Leo Leo Pup Puppis
Aps Apus Com Coma Berenices LMi Leo Minor Pyx Pyxis
Aqr Aquarius CrA Corona Australis Lep Lepus Ret Reticulum
Aql Aquila CrB Corona Borealis Lib Libra Sge Sagitta
Ara Ara Crv Corvus Lup Lupus Sgr Sagittarius
Ari Aries Crt Crater Lyn Lynx Sco Scorpius
Aur Auriga Cru Crux Lyr Lyra Scl Sculptor
Boo Boötes Cyg Cygnus Men Mensa Sct Scutum
Cae Caelum Del Delphinus Mic Microscopium Ser Serpens
Cam Camelopardalis Dor Dorado Mon Monoceros Sex Sextans
Cnc Cancer Dra Draco Mus Musca Tau Taurus
CVn Canes Venatici Equ Equuleus Nor Norma Tel Telescopium
CMa Canis Major Eri Eridanus Oct Octans Tri Triangulum
CMi Canis Minor For Fornax Oph Ophiuchus TrA Triang. Australe
Cap Capricornus Gem Gemini Ori Orion Tuc Tucana
Car Carina Gru Grus Pav Pavo UMa Ursa Major
Cas Cassiopeia Her Hercules Peg Pegasus UMi Ursa Minor
Cen Centaurus Hor Horologium Per Perseus Vel Vela
Cep Cepheus Hya Hydra Phe Phoenix Vir Virgo
Cet Cetus Hyi Hydrus Pic Pictor Vol Volans
Cha Chamaeleon Ind Indus Psc Pisces Vul Vulpecula